Thursday, April 26, 2012

Comic on Leadership

     This is my first ever comic creation. I made it through, and I must say it was a fun way to discuss a topic that I found important. It is based on the topic of leadership and what qualities a leader should have in order to be considered well rounded. 

In the Classroom:
     The way I would use this in my classroom would be to introduce the theme of 'Leadership' to my students. This would be a good hook as well as a good starting point for journaling. I would ask my students to write if they agree or disagree with Big Sister as to her characteristics of what a "good leader" had, and if they can list a few of their own ideas as to what leaders need to do to be considered "successful." This would also be an ideal time to show them that reading is not only text, but can be pictures as well. Once they see that reading isn't limited to novels, I hope they will see that comics and graphic novels are also options available to them. Here is my comic on 'Leadership:' 

These characteristics of a leader are not limited to children (even though they are my main characters), but also apply to adults. We must remember that if we want our children to be good leaders we have to set an example, so go forth and impart new wisdom on a child today! What characteristics do you believe a good leader needs?